Say Goodbye to Artificial Sweeteners and Heavy Metals: 

Microgreen Protein Powder provides up to 100x more protein than adult vegetables

Exotic Microgreen’s Raw Organic Vegan Protein and Nutrient Powder and organic vegan gel caps provide the aide your body needs to detoxify from Artificial Sweeteners and Heavy metals.


Replacing adult vegetables with a nutrient dense microgreen salad

Microgreens have been researched and proven to be more nutritionally dense than mature vegetables. They are harvested at a very young stage, typically within 7-14 days of germination, and are packed with essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants,flavonoids and more. Studies have shown that microgreens can contain 50 to 500 times more nutrients… Continue reading WHY ARE MICROGREENS MORE IMPORTANT FOR YOUR HEALTH THAN MATURE VEGETABLES?

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Organic Heirloom Blood Beet Microgreens

Exotic Microgreens Health Benefits of Organic Blood Beet Microgreens

by Exotic Microgreens Nutritional Benefits of Blood Beet Microgreens. If you love beets but don’t want to go through the hassle of chopping or cooking them, there’s good news. You can eat beet microgreens! Rich in antioxidants and vitamins A and K, there are many beet microgreen benefits including reducing inflammation, boosting digestion, and promoting healthy… Continue reading Organic Heirloom Blood Beet Microgreens

Five Day Old Broccoli Sprouts

Living Super Food Broccoli Sprouts

5 day old Broccoli Sprouts You probably already know that cruciferous vegetables like broccoli are very nutritious. Well, broccoli sprouts may be even better, as they contain anywhere from 10 to 100 times more glucoraphanin (the nutrient that becomes sulforaphane) than mature broccoli. Because sulforaphane neutralizes toxins, it also calms inflammation in your body. Inflammation has… Continue reading Five Day Old Broccoli Sprouts

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Lone Jedi Organic Farm Normandy Park, Wa HEMP MICROGREENS Hemp microgreens are a safe super food. In contrast to other Super Foods, such as soy, there are no contraindications with high amounts of consumption of hemp. Hemp microgreens contain and maintain a stable ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 Poly-Unsaturated Fatty Acids or PUFAs,… Continue reading HEMP MICROGREENS

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The NEW SUPERFOOD – Hemp Micro Greens

Anakka Hartwell                                                                                   July 2020 Post link addres Todays mega chain food stores provide us with slim choices when we go into the store. not much diversity when it comes to your fruits and vegetables. most stores will carry alfalfa sprouts sometimes radish Sprouts but those are your only choice. Three or four types of tomatoes… Continue reading The NEW SUPERFOOD – Hemp Micro Greens

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