Organic Heirloom Hemp Microgreens

Organic Heirloom Hemp Microgreens

Heirloom and Organic Seeds grown in organic soil with filtered water.

Hemp Microgreens are a safe super food. In contrast to other super foods, such as soy, there are no contraindications with high amounts of consumption of hemp.

  • Hemp microgreens contain and maintain a stable ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 Poly-Unsaturated Fatty Acids or PUFAs, for short, which are the kind of plant-based fats considered to be great neuro-protectants, effectively preventing neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Hemp microgreens have a low percentage of fats compared to other microgreens/sprouts (only 30%) and consuming low levels of dietary fats is not only fundamental for metabolic and cardiac functions, but is also a pivotal point for cognitive performance.
  • Hemp microgreens provide all essential amino acids, the incredible profile of amino acids in hemp, second to none, are the building blocks for proteins, making hemp products the most complete form of vegan protein. (A Steak does not contain all 20 essential amino acids!)
  • Hemp microgreens contains Edestin, a unique globular protein that is easily absorbed by the human body and can deliver a quick boost of energy.
  • Hemp microgreens contain high levels of cannaflavins. Cannaflavin is an underrated flavonoid which has unique anti-inflammatory properties (Its efficiency is higher than aspirin)
  • Hemp microgreens taste good, think hazelnuts. Making them not only more potent than aspirin, but also more desirable.
  • Hemp microgreens do not contain THC or CBDs.
  • Hemp microgreens contain high levels of phytoestrogens, due to the cannaflavin contained in hemp microgreens, it presents a unique property: a similar chemical structure to a related plant (Hops).
  • The evolutionary patterns of these two plants have been recognized as providing them the highest levels of phytoestrogens.
  • Oestrogen is as potent a neuro-protectants as you can find anywhere. Intake of phytoestrogens is great at preventing Pre- and Post-Menopausal symptoms in women.
  • Hemp microgreens are bursting with antioxidants, thus helping the body respond to Reactive Oxygen Species (or ROS for short).