Anakka Hartwell July 2020
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Todays mega chain food stores provide us with slim choices when we go into the store. not much diversity when it comes to your fruits and vegetables. most stores will carry alfalfa sprouts sometimes radish Sprouts but those are your only choice. Three or four types of tomatoes couple types of potatoes but really we are lacking diversity in our diet
Kansas State University announced, Meta data-analysis over the past two decades, and newly published research outcomes show the following for Americans due to poor diet and nutrition:
- 678,000 deaths per year due to poor nutrition
- 37% cardiovascular disease due to poor nutrition
- adults ages 20 years and over
- 34.2 percent overweight,
- 33.8 percent are obese
- 5.7 percent are extremely obese
The research goes on for all demographics. So what can you do to increase your nutritional intake in today’s world where diversity of foods are scarce? Hemp Microgreens. They have the most of everything your body needs. And as we will see, eating some is like drinking a Red Bull energy drink.
Why Should You include Hemp Microgreens in your diet?
Hemp microgreens are a bioavailable source of nutritional value, containing all essential amino acids and fatty acids in sufficient amount and ratio to meet the dietary human demand. Hemp seeds do not contain cannabinoids, and because of their high contents of ω-3 fatty acids, are enjoying a growing popularity as a super-food to beneficially affect chronic inflammation…
…sprouting, while not triggering the production of cannabinoids, could nevertheless induce the production of the anti-inflammatory prenylflavonoids cannflavins A and B.
Do Hemp Microgreens have more nutrients than Hemp seeds?
Tiny Microgreens Packed With Nutrients. Researchers found microgreens like red cabbage, cilantro, hemp and radish contain up to 40 times higher levels of vital nutrients than their mature counterparts. Microgreens are young seedlings of edible vegetables and herbs harvested less than 14 days after germination. Hemp microgreens contain all the amino acids required by the human body and between 30-40% higher levels of dietary amino acids than the seeds.
Are Hemp microgreens a safe super food?
Some super foods, soy for example,, there are contraindications with high amounts of consumption. Not so for Hemp microgreens, there are no known contraindications. Hemp microgreens contain and maintain a stable ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 also known as Poly-Unsaturated Fatty Acids or PUFAs, for short, are the kind of plant-based fats considered to be great neuroprotectant, effectively preventing neurodegenerative diseases
Hemp sprouts have a low percentage of fats compared to other seeds (only 30%) Consuming low levels of dietary fats is not only fundamental for metabolic and cardiac functions, but is also a pivotal point for cognitive performance. The anti-inflammatory properties of hemp sprouts (up to 40x times more than seeds) play a functioning role in reducing symptoms of Alzheimer’s Dementia and arthritis.
According to recent studies, Hemp’s anti-inflammatory agents facilitates anti-inflammatory reduction in all parts of the body, reducing pain and making an individual feel better which results in an outcome for a better quality of life with the introduction of hemp microgreens and other sprouts into your diet. Another fatty acid that can help with inflammation is gamma-linolenic acid, or GLA. Hemp microgreens are high in these omegas.
Do Hemp microgreens provide all human requirements amino acids?
Amino acids are the building blocks for proteins, making hemp products the most complete form of vegan protein. No animal product provides all the amino acids in one tiny bundle like a hemp sprout.
What is Edestin and why do I care?
Hemp also contains Edestin, an unique globular protein (as opposed to fiber protein from meat that is hard for your body to break down) that is easily absorbed by the human body and can deliver a quick boost of energy. Get rid of those afternoon energy drinks and munch on a bag of hemp sprouts for that afternoon rush to keep you going. You will save money and your body will thank you for it. Just as a side note when you Google Edestin you will get a definition and this pic:
Thank you Google
Hemp microgreens contain high levels of cannaflavins
Cannaflavin is a flavonoid which has a unique anti-inflammatory property . Its efficiency is well higher than aspirin) which is made from tree bark, the White Willow Tree bark. This is one more additional anti-inflammatory component of hemp microgreens and why your body will love these. So “OK, My body will love these but what about the taste?”
Do Hemp MicroGreens taste good?
The initial sensation is green, think cilantro, follow by a nutty hazel nut taste. Making them not only more potent than aspirin, but also more desirable. Hemp microgreens have a wonderfully uniquely fulfilling taste that goes with any salad, sandwhich or by themselves. These microgreens taste delicious, they are good for you, and give you an immediate energy boost. Could you ask for anything more? Yep and they are cost effective also. Less than an energy drink.
Do Hemp microgreens contain high levels of phytoestrogens
As we have explored so far, cannaflavins are contained in hemp microgreens. Cannaflavins contain phytoestrogens and Hemp Microgreens have been recognised as the plant with the greatest levels of phytoestrogens. This is a deep subject for us all, and especially females. Intake of phytoestrogen is also great at preventing PMS symptoms in women. Here is a link to an article that will fully explain the health benefits of phytoestrogens:
Oestrogen will be further discussed below, however after menopause, you need to consume Oestrogen as the female body no longer creates it. Hemp microgreens contain Oestrogen. Here is a link to explain more about the hormonal attributes of Oestrogen
Why are Hemp Microgreens Neuroprotectants and how does that help me?
Oestrogen is also a potent neuroprotectant. Hiroshima University Scientists found that Estrogen(Oestrogen) mediated brain protection was directly linked to intake of fatty acids found in oils. Remember from above, Hemp microgreens contain the full spectrum of omega acids all found in a plant based form
Hemp sprouts are bursting with antioxidants!
Could this tiny little sprout offer any more benefits. Yep, it never stops helping us. Our body is in a constant flux of Body vs Reactive Oxygen Species (or ROS for short) and having a diet rich in antioxidants and the disease-preventing effects of antioxidants has been well known for, well just about forever. Hemp Microgreens are rich in antioxidants. But that is another article. For now, this superfood will help us enrigh our diets and give our bodies what we need to stay healthy.
Lone Jedi Farms Hemp Microgreens do not contain THC.
We use 0% THC organic hemp seeds making hemp sprouts incredibly safe to consume, showing no psychotropic properties. Just pure energy for your body. You can order your microgreens on our the website or look for them at your local farmers market. Be sure they are Cannabis Fair Trade Microgreens and that they are organic.
Please leave any comments below I would love to hear your thoughts.
February 2020